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〈Business Focus-Kahuna Massage Chair〉

지역뉴스 | 업소탐방 | 2018-08-23 22:22:41

구양숙 부동산표정원 융자누가 스킨 케어

100% postive body scanning system

6 FIR rollers will warm you up

Comfortable massage experience through 'Air Float 3D System'

Kahuna massage: one of the massage therapies, which is known as one of the top 4 with Swedish, Thai, and Shiatsu massage, is not a typical massage therapy which normally pides human body into several parts and uses a different type of massage methods for each part, but more like dancing-type of massage therapy which can be applied to all of the body at once. Because of those rhythmical and continuous movements, customers who get this service tend to feel more comfortable and be able to relive their stress. Also Kahuna massage helps to give a rise of endorphin which is also called as ‘happy hormone’ in human body­­.

‘Kahuna massage chair’ which has been invented and distributed by AJX.LLC exactly has those characteristics of Kahuna massage as its name goes. Especially the newest model ‘SM9000’ includes ‘Air Float 3D System’. In this massage chair, there are more than 50 air bags and 6 ­­FIR (Far Infrared Radiation) rollers that follow the track of the spine. Also since this chair only uses air pssure, there is no damage can be caused by this chair because of too much pssure on the bones, muscles tissues, and spine. The mother board inside of the chair also analysis every customer’s body type whomever sitting in the chair before the massage begins and gives perfect experience no matter how your body shapes.

After-sales service is also great. AJX is not a company that only does distribution, but also production. AJX’s manufacturing plants are in USA which means you can easily get after-sales service like updating and repairing. Every customer also gets 5 years warranty for free. There are monthly installment plans going on for 12 months to 60 months.

AJX has 72 offline authorized dealers, and also been selling the products through and Wal-Mart website. In 2017, Kahuna massage chair also nominated as one of the Amazon’s Choice.

The Atlanta authorized dealer is located in 2730 Peachtree Industrial Blvd. The store opens on Mon-Friday from 10:30a.m. ~ 7p.m., on Saturday 10a.m. ~ 8p.m. Contact=470-365-2814.  Inrak Lee

<Business Focus-Kahuna Massage Chair>
<Business Focus-Kahuna Massage Chair>

Kahuna Massage Chair Atlanta Store

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