한국일보 애틀랜타
엘리트 학원

[학생에세이] A Preface to a New Chapter

미주한인 | | 2021-06-19 16:16:37

구양숙 부동산표정원 융자누가 스킨 케어

             For the vast majority of high school students, the words “summer break” signal a well-deserved respite from the demands of curricular activities. The advent of summertime brings to mind exciting vacations, warm beaches, outings with friends, and lazy time at home. But academically inclined students must refrain from indulging in too many of these pleasures, for the most competitive American colleges have too few spots for too many contestants - and any advantage one can obtain for the admissions process is one that must be sought after. This does not mean that students should deny themselves every pleasure that summer offers; it means that students should first seek to improve their resumes then use the time remaining as they wish for a more fulfilling summer. From online courses, academic pparation for standardized tests or future courses, internships, sports competitions, summer programs, and volunteering, there are countless ways students can enrich their summers. 

             The differentiation of work and play does not mean that the “work” portion cannot be enjoyable and that the “play” cannot be beneficial to academic success. Drawing a line between what is enjoyable and what is beneficial is an ineffective way of utilizing one’s summer. 

Internships, for example, whether they are done in a medical facility, a research lab, a business, or a newspaper company, can and should be enjoyable. These are the fields that students may likely find themselves working in or alongside in the future. Learning and being involved in work that students may be engaged with for a large portion of their lives should be enjoyable (and if not, a different career may be more appropriate). 

Like many other rising seniors, I decided to invest my time into an internship. For me the most appropriate choice was a newspaper company. Namely, the Korea Times. The media has a massive impact on public opinion due to its widespad usage: for me to be involved in influencing public opinion in any way whatsoever was an opportunity for me to show my commitment to writing. It was, essentially, catching two birds with one stone. Now more than just a hobby, writing was a gateway to my future. 

At first glance, this internship appears to merely be a writing job. I am to write articles in exchange for a ptty paragraph on my resume or college essay. But it is so much more. It’s not just simple blogging or posting articles. It’s a chance to affect public opinion and get an inside look at the inner workings of an integral part of society. 

The media is expected to be a nonpartisan source of information. It is expected to uphold the integrity of news while delivering as much as possible. I intend to uphold this standard to the best of my ability. The opportunity I gained is immense, and in future articles I plan to show my commitment. 

[학생에세이] A Preface to a New Chapter
[학생에세이] A Preface to a New Chapter


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