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엘리트 학원

LX Hausys America Inc. (Former: LG Hausys America Inc.)

  • 구인·구직
  • LX Hausys HR
  • 2024-01-02

LX Hausys America Inc. (Former : LG Hausys America Inc.) is a part of Korean-based LX Hausys Ltd., one of the world’s leading providers of building and decorative materials employing more than 4,000 employees spanning the globe. Headquartered in Atlanta, Ga., LX Hausys America uses the industry’s most advanced technology to design beautiful and functional spaces with sustainable products. LX Hausys America’s business lines include surface materials, flooring, and automotive components. We are currently hiring for multiple


positions in our company. Please see below for details:

1. Autoskin Production Engineer (Adairsville, GA)

2. HIMACS Production / Technical Engineer (Adairsville, GA)

3. MES Specialist (Adairsville, GA)

4. Development Engineer (Adairsville, GA)

5. B2B Operations Associate (Adairsville, GA)

  - B2B Operations Manager (Adairsville, GA)

6. Legacy Specialist (Atlanta, GA)

7. Product Designer (Adairsville, GA)

8. Marketing Specialist (Atlanta, GA)


Salary Range:

-Negotiable/Based on qualification and work experience.



- 401K

- 401k Matching

- Health Insurance

- Dental/Vision

- Wellness Program

- (Vacation/Holiday/Personal Day)

- Incentive Programs


To apply please email me your resume to

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